Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Athenian Hoplites

About 99% finished with my first 8 stands of Athenian Hoplites. They are from the Xyston line and they are all unarmoured. There are several reasons why I am choosing to go with the unarmoured Hoplite for the majority of my Hoplites which I will discuss later on.

These were painted very well by Jeff.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


These are two Triremes from the Xyston line that I have. One is Greek and the other Carthaginian/Phoenician. The painting job was done by Ioannis Mavromichalis. His website
   Xyston Greek Trireme

Carthaginian/Phoenician Trireme

 Six Triremes from the Warrior line

Triremes and Tambourines

Welcome to my blog, my name is Ollie and this will detail my 15mm Athens and her allies Peloponnesian War army and my 1/600 scale Triremes that I have started to collect. This is my first army, and I have yet to decide on rules for either of my miniatures. (Any suggestions on rule sets will be appreciated) I will also be attempting a Sparta and her Allies Peloponnesian War army as well.

I would like to recreate some of the armies too that fought in the First Peloponnesian War and the great Peloponnesian War, along with the Sicilian Expedition. The Armies that I wish to recreate will include, Tolmides' army in Boeotia, Myronides' at Megara(The army of the men who were too young or old) and his invasion of Boeotia, Demosthenes' invasion of Aetolia and Pylos, and Phormio's defense of Naupactus.

The Trireme portion of my army is already started with 8 Triremes. Though, I might not be able to ever come around to it I hope to collect at least 60. But as of now, 8 will suffice for most army lists that I've seen.


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